DSLR Camera Settings Chart and Guide

As a pro or amateur photographer, a DSLR camera can be a great device.  When used, the device allows you to take great shots without much stress. But before you can get the expected results, it would help if you applied some settings.

You can get these settings from a chart. If you can’t find one, scroll through this article and get a proper chart for setting up your DSLR camera.

dslr camera settings

DSLR Camera Settings Chart and Guide

Here are the settings for taking different images in manual mode:

Image  Aperture ISO Shutter Speed Special Tips to Consider
Moving Waterfall  f/4 100/400 f/2000
Concert Photography  f/2.8 or wider 640 or higher 1/125 or faster Use a Zoom lens with a wide aperture
Portrait Picture with a Blurred background  Widest Available  100/400 1/60 or choose a faster speed Select Prime lens with a wide aperture, then add some space between the subject and its background 
Pictures of Food f/4 or wider 100/400 1/60 or faster Stick with natural light but avoid sunlight 
Bokeh Effect  f/4 or choose a wider aperture 100/400 1/60 or choose a faster speed
A picture with light trails f/5.6 – f/11 100 10 – 15 seconds Take the pictures with a tripod 
Picture of the Stars Select the widest aperture 800/6400 30 seconds or longer speed Apply manual focus while using a tripod
Golden hour (the last hour before sunset and the first hour after sunrise) f/16 for landscape 100/400 30 seconds or longer
Freezing Motion f11/f16 100/400 1/2000
Blurred Motion f/8 – f/16 100/200 Choose a slower speed than 1/60 Pan along with your subject after placing your camera on the tripod
Macro Photo of Flower f/5.6 – f/11 400/800 Choose Between 1/60 or faster As you take the shot, use a macro lens and manual focus
Sunrise/Sunset f/11 100/400 30 seconds or longer Place the camera on a tripod and set the white balance to cloudy
Water Blur f/22 100 1/15 or slower speed As you take the shot, place the camera on a tripod. Then use the neutral density filter
Landscape Photos f/11 – f/16 100 1/60 or faster speed Capture more ground with wide angle lens

What are the 3 Most Important Camera Settings?

On the DSLR camera, the 3 most important settings include the shutter speed, aperture, and ISO. Now here are the definitions of each of these settings.

  • The Shutter Speed is the length of time that light travels through the opening of the lens
  • The Aperture is the size of the hole in the lens through which light travels
  • ISO can be described as the level of sensitivity that travels through the lens

What is the Best ISO to Shoot At?

Choosing the best ISO depends on the type of shot that you would like to take. For instance, ISO 100 – 200 suits bright daylight shots while indoor shots with flash work with ISO 400 – 800. As for nighttime shots, set the ISO to 800 – 1600. 

How Do I Use My DSLR Like a Pro?

Are you looking for an easy way to take professional pictures with your DSLR camera? If yes, you can use the following tips to improve your photography skills.

1. Hold the Camera with Both Hands

When taking shots with your DSLR camera, try to hold it with both hands. After all, both hands tend to stabilize the camera to get clearer pictures. 

As you are using the camera, hold the hand grip with your right hand while placing the fingers over the shutter button. Then use your left hand to support the lens of the camera. If you have issues with holding your camera in position, stick with using a tripod.

2. Remember the Horizon Level

Before taking pictures with your camera, make sure that the horizon level stays balanced. If you ignore this setting, then you might end up with off-balanced images. To get the horizon level, use the markers found in the optical viewer of the camera. 

3. Think About the Camera, Composition, and Colors

If you want to take better pictures, you will have to understand your camera, the composition, and the colors of your shot. For the best results, you should also have a decent knowledge of photo editing. 

4. Use Light Properly

As you take shots with your camera, you should know to apply light for better images. You can start by taking pictures at the start and end of the day. Besides, try to shoot away from the light.

5. Practice Often

Before you can become a better photographer, it would help if you put in hours of practice. Start by understanding how your camera works as well as playing around ( with its settings) while taking random shots.