Millermatic 252 Settings Chart and Guide

Spending your hard-earned cash on the Millermatic 252 can be a great idea. After all, this device boasts many features for working with various types of metals. As expected, the results of such projects can be incredible.  

To enjoy the full power of the welder, you will have to apply the correct settings. But before you can get such parameters, it would help to work with a guide and a chart. Without these aids, you might have to use a trial-and-error method thereby wasting time and materials.

millermatic 252 settings

Would you like to try out the Millermatic 252 welder for your next welding project? If yes, go through this article and find a chart and guide that can help with its use. Now let’s get started.

Millermatic 252 Settings Chart and Guide

Here are some charts that will show various Millermatic 252 settings for working with various materials

Millermatic 252 Settings for Steel

This chart shows the settings for working with solid or hard Er70s-6 steel wire  with 0.023” diameter and shielding gas of 75% Argon, 25% Carbon dioxide, 25 Cfh ( Argon/Carbon dioxide)

Wire Thickness Voltage  Wire Feed Speed
3/16” 20 480
⅛” 18.3 350
14 ga 18 240
18 ga 17 190
22 ga 15.8 125

This chart shows the settings for using  solid or hard Er70s-6 steel wire of 0.030” diameter and shielding gas of 75% Argon, 25% Carbon dioxide, 25 Cfh ( Argon/Carbon dioxide)

Wire Diameter Voltage  Wire Feed Speed
⅜” 24.3 500
¼” 21.0 400
3/16” 19 290
⅛” 18 250
14 ga 17.3 200
18 ga 16.3 115
22 ga 15.9 95

This chart shows the  Millermatic settings for using solid or hard Er70s-6 steel wire with 0.035″ diameter and shielding gas of 75% Argon, 25% Carbon dioxide, and 25 Cfh ( Argon/Carbon dioxide).

Wire Diameter Voltage  Wire Feed Speed
½” 29.5 515
⅜” 26.0 475
¼” 21.0 375
3/16” 18.4 265
⅛” 17.4 230
14 ga 16.5 190
18 ga 15.8 120
22 ga 15.0 88

The chart below shows the welder settings for working with solid or hard Er70s-6 steel wire with 0.045″ diameter and shielding gas that contains 75% Argon, 25% Carbon dioxide, and 25 Cfh ( Argon/Carbon dioxide).

Wire Diameter Voltage  Wire Feed Speed
½” 29.5 315
⅜” 28.0                       300
¼” 20.0 225
3/16” 17.5 195
⅛” 17.2 190
14 ga 16.5 165
18 ga 15.5 95
22 ga

This chart shows the Millermatic settings for welding Aluminum 4043 ER wire of 0.030″ diameter with a shielding gas of 100% Ar and 25 cfh.

Wire Diameter Voltage  Wire Feed Speed
⅛” 21.5 330
14 ga 20.0 235
18 ga 19.0 180
22 ga 18.7 140

This chart shows the Millermatic settings for welding 0.023″ stainless steel ER 308 wire with shielding gas of Tri-Mix, 35 cfh ( 90% He/7.5% Ar/2.5%C02

Wire Diameter Voltage  Wire Feed Speed
½” 500
⅛” 21.2 500
14 ga 20.1 350
18 ga 19.0 210
22 ga

Millermatic Settings for ⅛” steel

Thickness of ⅛ steel Millermatic Voltage Setting Millermatic Wire Speed Setting
0.023 18.3 350
0.030 18.0 250
0.035 17.4 230
0.045 17.2 190

If you are working with ⅛” steel, the Millermatic welder settings depends on the diameter of the wire. For instance, if the wire has a diameter of 0.45, the voltage should stay at 17.2 while the wire feed speed becomes 190. 

Is the Millermatic 252 a Good Welder?

According to countless reviews, the Millermatic 252 can be described as one of the best tools in the trade. After all, this device boasts easy-to-use features and can withstand most demands of the trade.

Can a Miller 252 Weld Aluminium?

Yes, the Millermatic 252 can weld aluminum. For the best results, you should weld this metal with the Spool Gun that comes with the device. 

How Thick Can a Miller 252 Weld?

The Miller 252 can weld materials of varying thicknesses such as ½”, ⅜”, ¼”, ³/¹⁶”, and ⅛”. Besides, it can also work on 14, 18, and 22-gauge thicknesses. 

How Do I Reset My Miller 252?

Would you like to reset the settings on the Miller 252? If yes, use the following steps to complete this task

  • Press the power switch to turn off the welder 
  • Press the trigger on the Spool or MIG gun
  • Turn on the welder with the power switch
  • Turn the voltage knob with counterclockwise movements until RES appears on the left meter and OFF on the right meter. 
  • Turn the right knob until ON appears on the right meter
  • Press the gun trigger to complete the reset