Kitchenaid Pasta Roller Settings Chart & Guide

If you are making pasta, there is a high chance that the Kitchenaid Pasa roller might be on your list. When it comes down to it, this machine offers one of the best options for making such items. But before you can enjoy the benefits of the roller, it would help if you adjusted it properly. 

Finding these settings might be tricky. But if you have a guide, you can learn how to adjust your pasta roller for the best results.

kitchenaid pasta roller settings

Would you like to learn how to set your Kitchenaid roller? If yes, go through this article and find the perfect settings for making different types of pasta. 

Kitchenaid Pasta Roller Settings Chart & Guide

Now here are the top settings for using the Kitchenaid Pasta Roller. But before using our settings, we suggest that you check the Kitchenaid manual for extra advice.

Kitchenaid Setting Uses
1 or 2 Kneading and thinning dough 
3 Thick Kluski-type egg noodles
4 Egg Noodles 
4 or 5 Lasgana Noodles, Fettuccine, Spaghetti and Ravoli
6 or 7 Tortellini, thin fettuccine and linguine fini
7 or 8 Fine linguine, angel hair type pasta/ capellini

How Do You Roll Pasta with a Kitchenaid Mixer?

With the Kitchenaid mixer, you can roll different types of pasta. So if you want to perform this task:

  • Get a sharp knife
  • Divide the kneaded dough into 4 equal pieces 
  • Fixed the Kitchenaid pasta roller to the Kitchenaid stand mixer
  • Set the mixer to your preferred speed
  • Flatten the dough with your hands
  • Feed the dough into the machine thrice
  • Fold the dough in half between each roll
  • Increase the speed gradually until you have the desired pasta sickness.

Kitchenaid Pasta Roller Thickness Settings

If you want to adjust the Kitchenaid roller for pasta thickness, you will have to set the speed of the machine. To choose the speed, you set the adjustable knob between numbers 1 – 8.

Kitchenaid Pasta Roller Lasagne Setting

Do you want to make some lasagna with the Kitchenaid Pasta Roller? If yes, then you should set the adjustable knob to 4 or 5. 

Tagliatelle Thickness setting

A piece of tagliatelle has a thickness of around 6mm. To get this thickness, adjust the Kitchenaid roller to speed 2 or 3.

What Setting Should My Pasta Roller Be for Ravioli?

If you want to make some ravioli with the Kitchenaid roller, rotate the adjustable knob to 4 or 5. If the pasta is thinner, it becomes weaker. 

Can You Use Lasagna Sheets to Make Ravioli?

Yes, lasagna sheets can be used to make ravioli. If you want the best experience, try this pasta with pancetta and ricotta filling. 

Do You Turn Down Heat when making Pasta?

Yes, it would help if you turned down the heat as you made pasta. By using this tip, you can recover any lost heat and resume boiling.

What Speed is Medium Low on the Kitchenaid?

On the KitchenAid, speed 4 comes as the medium-low setting. 

What is High Speed on Kitchenaid?

On the Kitchenaid pasta roller, 8 is seen as the high-speed setting. With this speed, you can make thin – hairlike pasta. 

What Number is Stir Speed on the Kitchenaid?

If you are using the Kitchenaid, the stirring speed stays at 1. 

Is Kitchenaid Made By Whirlpool?

Yes, Kitchenaid appliances are made by Whirpool Corp. However, smaller Kitchenaid items were made by other brands. 

How Many Times Should Pasta Go through the Roller?

If you are using a Kitchenaid roller, the pasta should go through at least 3 times. By using this technique, the gluten develops better and turns into flatter sheets. 

What Number is Best on the Kitchenaid? 

On the Kitchenaid, the best setting depends on the recipe. For instance, if you are beating or creaming, the best speed falls on 6 and 7. For slow mixing, choose 2 while mixing cookie dough works better with 4. 

What is the Thinnest Setting on a Pasta Machine?

On the Kitchenaid Pasta roller, 7 or 8 is the thinnest pasta setting. For this reason, this speed is used to make thin pasta. 

Is the Kitchenaid Pasta Roller Worth It?

If you make pasta regularly, you can consider the Kitchenaid Pasta roller as a worthy investment. But if you make pasta sparingly, then you might go for a hand crank.

Kitchenaid Pasta Troubleshooting 

Even if Kitchenaid offers the best features, it might have issues. Now here are some common solutions that can fix different Kitchenaid problems. 

The Kitchenaid Mixer Does Not Come On

Ensure the mixer is ON. Also, ensure that the device is plugged into a working power outlet. You might also check if you fixed the roller correctly to the fixer.

If any of the ideas do not work, reach out to the Kitchenaid support team.